Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter to our beautiful 9 month old!

What a wonderful weekend.

On Friday, Aunt Leslie and Ricky came for a visit 
and we celebrated Sophie turning 9 months old.

Saturday dinner after church.

Can I have a "high-five"?

Easter morning, celebrating Christ's life and resurrection. He Is Risen!

Happy Easter, complete with books, eggs and bubbles!

We went back to church this morning to check out the petting zoo.

This baby lamb was born on Wednesday, how precious. 

Not too close mama.

Getting braver. :)

Look at this smile! First time at the playground.

Lunch at Crawfords in Plymouth.

Bubbles are so fun.

Too cool for school.

My favorite picture from today, see the angel with us.

Love and miss you sweet Elliott Faith.
Happy Easter everyone.
Happy 9 months miss Sophie Claire.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy 8 (and 7) Months Sophie Claire

SO, I completely forgot to post Sophie 7 month update. I could say that I was sooo busy that I didn't have the time or what not, but in all actuality I just plain old forgot. I'm a mom, it happens. So here it goes.

Happy 7 Months Sophie Claire

In the last month you have accomplished quite a bit my love and are becoming rather independent. You love to crawl and crawl around the house. It's so amazing to see you move and explore on your own. You are certainly keeping us on our toes by making sure you don't get yourself into trouble. I've begun baby proofing the house like mad. cabinet locks - check, table corner cushions - check, pool noodle on fire place mantel - check! I know the day will come when you do fall down or scrape that cute little noggin of yours, and I promise now to not over react to much, but if/when I do just know that it's because I love you so very much.

You really enjoy playing with other children and seem to have adjusted well to the few times during the month you attend daycare while I attend MOPS. I am so thankful that you seem to enjoy seeing new faces and playing with other babies because those few hours of fellowship I get with other women have become priceless to me. 

Sophie and her buddy Sydney

playdate at the Hands on Museum

You also enjoy books and have now joined in the activity by holding the book and turning the pages. My favorite time to read with you is before nap time. You snuggle in on my lap holding your sippy cup and monkey and we read at least two books. I like to think the second one is for Elliott. 

Rocking your hoodie with daddy

A few weeks ago we went on a very long car ride to Kansas, Missouri and Illinois to visit family and you were excellent in the car. You slept practically the entire time and were so happy at each destination you woke up at. You spent a lot of time with your big cousins Ireland and Luke, both of whom were very nice to you by sharing their toys. 

Aunt Abbie and Cousin Luke

Cousin Ireland

Cousins Brenna and Emerson

Some other fun firsts that have occurred this month are your first real big girl bath. No baby bath or bath seat for Sophie. You seem to enjoy this time which makes me very excited for a swim lessons which begin in April. 

We've started giving you finger foods and you love feeding yourself. You've gone on a spoon strike so I've resorted to letting you just drink from the bowl in order to get any pureed foods in to that belly of yours. 

We love watching your personality come out more and more. You smile so much and laugh and think we are quite funny at times. It's pretty awesome to hear those sweet baby giggles throughout the day.

Another big milestone you reached a week ago is pulling yourself up ... on everything. You're pretty pleased with yourself and all that you can do and I have to say watching you get your sea legs is so adorable. 

You said dada for the first time last Saturday.

You took your first steps with a walk yesterday.

Happy 8 Months My Love!